The Daily Mail published this and what a story. Just take a look at some of the questions that 8th graders had to answer around the turn of the century - Kentucky 8th graders no less! Some of the questions look like they would stump College Students today! What do you think - were children smarter...
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
4:04 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
New York City Mayoral candidate and fmr. rep. Anthony Weiner says he won't quit the race in a new campaign video.Weiner: Quit isn't the way we roll in New York C...
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
10:52 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Radio Host Rush Limbaugh joined Greta Van Susteren for the full hour Tuesday night, and Limbaugh spent the first segment of the program bashing President Obama, sharing the "Limbaugh Theorem" for how the president governs, and taking the "slavish media" to task for not holding him accountable. He also had some choice words for Republicans capitulating too much to the Democratic agenda. Rush...
6:03 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Talk Show Host Mark Levin Weighs In On Christ Christy & Rand Paul - Benghazi & Obama. President Obama's Use Of Term "Phony Scandals" Enters Second Week - Mark Levin On CavutoPres Obama's Use Of Term "Phony Scandals" Enters 2nd Week - Mark Levin On Cav...
1:13 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Interesting Got 2 Minutes? 1. Need to fit 2 bowls in the microwave but there is no room? Place one bowl on top of a coffee mug and the other on the bottom this will allow you to fit both in at the same time.2. Is your SD card stuck in lock mode? Grab a small piece of tape and wrap it around lock area and it's business as usual.3. If you ever lose your flash drive or sd card always name the drive...
3:07 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Talking Points Memo Update. We've been all over this on CC. Last night Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Lauds 'Courageous' Don Lemon, Savages 'Race Hustler' Al Sharpton For Attacking Him:O'Reilly Lauds 'Courageous' Don Lemon, Savages 'Race Hustler' Sharpton For Attacking H...
Monday, July 29, 2013
5:20 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Don Lemon Defends 'Controversial' Comments On The View: 'That's Advice My Mother Gave Me In Kindergarten''That's Advice My Mother gameme in Kindergart...
2:37 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This has gone viral. Hikers capture video of mysterious 'Bigfoot' in CanadaHikers capture video of mysterious 'Bigfoot' in Canada ...
11:04 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Fox News Chris Wallace went after Treasury Secretary Jack Lew over the investigation—or lack thereof, in Wallace's estimation—of alleged targeting by the IRS of conservative 501(c)(4) groups.The IRS scandal—which had receded in recent weeks after an audit by the Inspector General revealed progressive groups were scrutinized in addition to conservative organizations, and produced no evidence linking...
3:58 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Wow! Who would have predicted this. The Rolling Stones has been together for 50 years and lead singer Mick Jagger just turned 70. Happy Birthday Mick!Happy 70th Birthday Mick Jagge...
Sunday, July 28, 2013
3:04 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Pope Francis celebrates the Holy Mass with the young people from all over the world taking part in the WYD at the Copacabana (Rio, Brazil)The Pope at Rio - Mass and Angelus for the World Youth Day:We need a bigger beach! THREE MILLION people pack Rio's Copacabana beach for final Mass of Pope Francis's tour of BrazilPilgrims cheer the Pope's call for them to get out in the streets to build up the Catholic...
5:33 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Light Blogging today, or at least this morning. In the meantime please check out these awesome sites:NewsbustersInstapunditIrons in the FireThe Diplomad 2.0This ain't Hell but ...No Lib URLsCrap Happens AcresPolitical PadreCap 'n ...
Saturday, July 27, 2013
6:09 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Talking Points Memo Update. CNN's Don Lemon Backs Up Fox News Bill O'Reilly comments on Race and Black Culture: 'He Doesn't Go Far Enough' In Criticizing Black Culture'CNN's Don Lemon Backs Up Bill O'Reilly: "Doesn't go far enou...
4:10 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Saving America. Fox News Sean Hannity hosted a special show Friday Night "How can we help save America?" FNC's Sean Hannity hosts an all-star panel of experts headed up by Katie Pavlich, David Webb, Michelle Fields, Scottie Hughes, Julie Roginsky, Tamara Holder & Brooke Goldstein as they weigh in with their perceptions of how the ethics and morality issue throughout Politics, Sports and the MSM...
Friday, July 26, 2013
7:33 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
"Phony scandals"? Sean Smith's, who was murdered in Behghazi, mother says her son's death wasn't phony. Amazing interview here:&nb...
6:34 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Democrat Mayor of San Diego, Bob Filner is being accusing of accosting as many as SEVEN women. Does he resign? Does he step down? No - he enters counseling. Just Imagine if this had been a Republican.San Diego Mayor Bob Filner Apologizes For Sexual Misconduct, Will Enter 'Behavioral Counseli...
3:05 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
As a follow-up to his Tuesday night Talking Points Memo Fox News Bill O'Reilly hammersed the Obama's Economy, Al Sharpton For Alliance With 'Harmful' Black Cult...
Thursday, July 25, 2013
3:41 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
The woman at the center of Anthony Weiner's latest sexting scandal is speaking out today for the first time, in an interview with Inside Edition. Sydney Leathers, a 23-year-old Democrat from Indiana, said she was "shocked" that he "would be so foolish as to do the same thing all over again." "He was making these campaign promises that he'd totally changed," Leathers said of his public persona, "that...
1:53 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
The Movie Terry McAuliffe Doesn't Want You To See - Fast Terry Stay tuned at
10:05 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
A high-speed train has reportedly derailed in Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain, leaving at least 80 people dead and 90 injured. Media reports suggest the death toll may rise. Read about it here. FOOTAGE TRAIN CRASH SPAIN. TOO MUCH SPEED? MOMENT OF CRASH....
3:16 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
All the latest on Tropical Storm Dorian which just formed in the Eastern Atlantic.Tracking Cone:Latest Computer Models:NOAA Advisory and Updat...
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
4:15 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
The woman who was caught on camera fatally shooting a man at a southeast Houston gas station on Sunday, spoke publicly for the first time on Tuesday afternoon. Shanequia McDonald, 23, maintains she was forced to open fire on 58-year-old Lewis Daniels after he threatened her. However, Daniels' family said the argument began over money and that they had argued before.Black-Women Shooter, tells...
2:27 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Radio Host Mark Levin speculates that there must have been a deal struck between President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner about NOT investigating Benghazi.Mark Levin: John Boehner And Obama ‘Cut Some Kind Of A Deal’ To Not Investigate BenghaziVia Media...
2:59 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Talking Points Memo - Wow! Fox News Bill O'Reilly talks Truth to Power here. Bill O'Reilly BLASTS President Obama, the Black Caucus, and the rest of the left for the Race Relations issues in this country getting completely out of hand during his talking points memo. Please watch the whole 7 minutes. It is awesome!Bill O'Reilly Challenges Obama and Black Caucus to Address Race Problems - 7-...
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
3:25 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
FULL PRESS CONFERENCE - Anthony Weiner and Wife Speak in New Press Conference, Take Questions --- New York mayoral candidate and former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner was forced to hold a press conference Tuesday afternoon to address new sexually-explicit messages exposed by earlier today. He admitted that he continued to conduct online relationships with women after his resignation...
1:25 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
As everyone knows Detroit, this week, became the largest US City ever to file for bankruptcy. Reason TV has some simple ideas on how to fix Detroit.Detroit's Tragedy and How to Fix...
11:53 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Prince William And Kate and The Royal Baby FIRST LOOK AT THE BABYPrince William And Kate and The Royal Baby FIRST LOOK AT THE BABY ...
3:32 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Is anyone out there looking for a new job or new career? We here at Common Cents sincerely hope that this list of job sites helps you find that next job or career. The Number One way people find jobs is by Networking. Tell EVERYONE you know you are looking. Expand your circle of friends and acquaintances. Strike up conversations with strangers!! The...
Monday, July 22, 2013
7:00 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Heard this interview on the Michael Medved show and it was provacative to say the least. Helen Smith's book "Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters" sounds like a must read.Six Reasons Why Men Are Avoiding Marriage, with Helen Smith, Ph...
1:58 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
George Zimmerman, the man whose acquittal on murder and manslaughter charges in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin set off a wave of protests across the nation, helped rescue a family from an overturned SUV four days after the verdict, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said in a statement MondayGeorge Zimmerman Saves Family From Truck CrashYou can read more the story he...
3:11 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Royal Baby Watch - The following sites are all over Kate Middleton, The Duchess of York, going into labor this morning in London:The Daily Mail - Kate goes into LaborCNN - Royal Baby on the wayThe Guardian - Kate admitted to the hospitalFox News - Kate Middleton in LaborGoogle News - Kate Middleton Live CoverageRoyal Baby Hospital Cam Kate Middleton Royal Baby watch Live Stream...
Sunday, July 21, 2013
6:57 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Via ABC News. Dana Perino Bashes President Obama Where's Your Speech For Baby 'Shot In The Face By Black Teens?Dana Perino Bashes Obama Where's Your Speech For Baby 'Shot In The Face By Black Tee...
4:00 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Phil Mickelson came from five strokes back to clinch his first British Open title and fifth major on a dizzying final day at Muirfield. The 43-year-old American triumphed by three shots from Sweden's Henrik Stenson, with English pair Ian Poulter and Lee Westwood four back, alongside Australia's Masters champion Adam Scott. Mickelson surged to the third leg of a career Grand Slam of all four...
5:47 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
How cool is this! A soldier returns from Afghanistan and surprises his family by scuba diving in. This is a really cool military homecoming surprise.Scuba Surprise - Solider Returns To Surprise His Family In A Very Unique ...
Saturday, July 20, 2013
7:39 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
At today's rally in New York to protest the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin verdict the protesters let Fox News have it. No justice - no peace. What do you think?Protesters Jeer Fox News at Sharpton Ra...
9:42 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Investor's Business Daily. IBD publishes easy-to-read editorials that show the obvious benefits of Free Markets and Capitalism. A sample of what is posted now:Trust: Why should anyone believe what the president says about ObamaCare? Last week he touted nonexistent rate cuts and rebate checks. And the White House now admits his promise about keeping your doctor was false. Bankruptcy: The...
Friday, July 19, 2013
7:58 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
NBA Legend Charles Barkley sat down with CNN's Erin Burnett tonight for a wide-ranging conversation on the George Zimmerman trial and President Obama's remarks today about Trayvon Martin. Barkley maintained that he agrees with the verdict, and echoed sentiments made Friday afternoon by President Obama talking about his own experiences as a black man. Barkley told Burnett that too often when the country...
5:54 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Zo of ZoNation opines on the George Zimmerman case. Liberals keep referring to George Zimmerman as white. Some even call him a white hispanic. Zo asks why libs have such a hard time accepting Zimmerman's latino heritage. Could liberal bias against Zimmerman be further proof of pervasive racism? Hear what Zo thinks. Via Pajama Media.PJTV: George Zimmerman Is Not White, Unless You Are Liberal...
11:27 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
What do you think - Blatant Hypocrisy or Genuine Concern and call for healing?"Where do we take this?" Obama wondered aloud in an impromptu appearance in the White House briefing room. "How do we learn some lessons from this and move in a positive direction?"The president said it's time "for all of us to some soul searching," but he also said it's generally not productive when politicians try to orchestrate...
10:07 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Demi Lovato - Made in the USA (Official Video) is going viral online n...
3:48 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
We haven't had an online poll in quite a while. Today's Poll - Do you agree with the George Zimmerman Acquittal in his 2nd Degree Murder Trial? Vote below - obviously.Do you agree with the George Zimmerman Acquittal in his 2nd Degree Murder Trial?Yes - He was and is absolutely NOT GUILTY!No - He should have been convictedUnsure - Who is George Zimmerman free...
Thursday, July 18, 2013
4:10 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
George Zimmerman Alternate Juror E54 Interview on Fox. With five of the actual jurors in the George Zimmerman already weighing in to various degrees on their not guilty verdict, the media needs a fresh perspective for this thing. And just in time, Fox35 got an exclusive interview with another shadowy juror involved in the case. The twist this time? He's an alternate juror. In an interview segment...
House Oversight Committee: "The IRS' Systematic Delay and Scrutiny of Tea Party Applications" Part I
12:59 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
From today's IRS Hearing. "The IRS' Systematic Delay and Scrutiny of Tea Party Applications" Part...
8:46 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
IRS House Hearing. Darrell Issa's Opening Statement at today's IRS Investigation Heari...
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
6:38 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
FOX News reporter Carl Cameron told Bill O'Reilly tonight that on Thursday House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) has information that will move the IRS scandal up into the White House. "What he said to me today was make sure to watch tomorrow's hearing because he's going to present the evidence to prove it.... That he can get it right up all the way into the White House before it...
1:06 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video - The 2013 MLB All Star Game took place in Citi Field, where American League pitching dominated the event, not allowing a single run. Meanwhile, the AL offense scored 3 runs against shaky NL pitching. The first 2 runs were scored of a sacrifice fly and a fielder's choice. Mariano Rivera made his last All Star appearance, with a great standing ovation from the packed stadium. The AL...
3:24 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Rush Limbaugh Audio. When Rachel Jeantel explained the difference between "nigga" and "nigger" on CNN last night, she wasn't just talking to Piers Morgan, she was also speaking directly to Rush Limbaugh. That much was clear from Limbaugh's radio show Tuesday, during which he said he can start saying "nigga with an 'a'" because according to Jeantel, "it's not racist." Limbaugh played the clip from...
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
6:55 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Fox News Bill O'Reilly opened his show tonight with a blistering Talking Points Memo going after the media for using the George Zimmerman case to paint a picture of a racially fractured America that doesn't exist. He accused the media of completely ignoring real problems in the black community at the expense of hyping singular issues like Trayvon Martin's death, and said that the press is being dishonest...
2:36 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Via ABC News and Barbara Walters. Robert and Gladys Zimmerman discuss the trial, the country's reaction and their son's future.George Zimmerman's Parents Exclusive Interview With Barbara Walt...
3:05 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Wow is all you can say. The A's Yoenis Csepedes just ran away with the title of the 2013 Home Run Derby Champion last night before the Major League All Star Game.Oakland A's Yoenis Csepedes - 2013 Home Run Derby Champ...
Monday, July 15, 2013
7:11 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
CNN's Anderson Cooper landed the first "exclusive" interview with one of the six women who sat on the George Zimmerman murder trial jury for the last month. Seated in darkness and identified only as Juror B-37, the woman told Cooper is "seems like it's been years" since the trial began and shared which moments of the proceedings had the biggest impact on her. Very interesting interview...Anderson...
9:34 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
A Maryland man swam for hours to reach help for his family, including two children, after their boat capsized in a storm off Maryland's Eastern Shore. John Franklin Riggs climbed rocks along the shoreline in the dark and knocked on the door of the first house he saw after swimming three miles early Wednesday. "He came to the right house," said Angela Byrd, whose dog's barking awakened her. She found...
3:16 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
As protests grow accross the US in response to the George Zimmerman verdict we've posted some videos. And as always The Daily Mail is all over the story.Angry marchers shut down Los Angeles freeway occupy a busy intersectionOakland activists burn American flagsRubber bullets are fired into crowds by LA Police Department officersSeven arrests made around 11pm in New York City protests as tensions rose Jury...
Sunday, July 14, 2013
7:07 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Conservative Columnist Ann Coulter reacts to the media's reaction to George Zimmerman being found not guilty.“This was a media-led mob, and an innocent man almost went to prison for thirty years because of well, Al Sharpton stirring up hatred and creating a narrative for which there was never any evidence and after this long trial there is still never any evidence,” Coulter said.“This case...
4:49 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
The George Zimmerman verdict, reached around 10:00pm eastern time on Saturday, July 13th, is read as not guilty.George Zimmerman Verdict NOT GUILTY in Trayvon Martin Kill...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
3:05 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Texas Lt Governor David Dewhurst blasts the "socialists" and Planned Parenthood for attempting to push Texas from its conservative roots, saying that will only happen "over my dead, cold political body." He also has harsh words for the tactics attempted by the protesters in Austin over the last two weeks, especially at the end.Via Hot ...
5:45 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
NSA leaker & former CIA employee Edward Snowden has asked for political asylum in Russia, saying he could not fly to Latin America, according to Human Rights Watch representative who met the whistleblower. Thirteen Russian and international human rights advocates and lawyers have Snowden asks Russia for asy...
Friday, July 12, 2013
12:06 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
George Zimmerman Trial - Defense Closing Arguments - Part 1 - July 12, 2013 - SANFORD, Fla. -- Closing arguments have ended in the case of George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer charged in the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Mart...
5:42 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Click the embed below to watch a Live Stream of the George Zimmerman Murder Trial:Live Streaming the George Zimmerman Murder Tr...
3:58 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Conservative Columnist Ann Coulter sat down with Sean Hannity tonight lambasting the way the mainstream media has been covering the George Zimmerman murder trial since if began mere weeks ago. Both of them agreed that the media proclaimed Zimmerman guilty long before the trial began and overplayed the racial angle, while Coulter compared this case to the Duke Lacrosse murder case from a few years...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
5:42 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Released for public viewing. The X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator completed its first carrier-based arrested landing on board USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) off the coast of Virginia July 10X-47B Completes First Carrier-based Arrested Land...
11:43 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Four years ago neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander contracted a brain infection that brought him to the brink of death. So close, in fact, that he believes he went to Heaven. But Heaven apparently wasn't ready for Dr. Alexander — he survived, and shares his tale and his new book, "Proof of Heaven" "Proof of Heaven" AuthorPurchase Proof of Heaven he...
3:55 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
George Zimmerman Trial Update. Sanford police chief Bill Lee speaks exclusively to CNN's George Howell about how he handled the George Zimmerman case. "They just wanted an arrest".Former Sanford police chief speaks about Zimmer...
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
4:45 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
America's most popular Radio Host, Rush Limbaugh joins Fox News "The Five" show today.Rush Limbaugh joins 'The Five' 7-10-2...
9:37 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Click below to watch a Live Stream of the George Zimmerman 2nd Degree Murder Trial from Sanford, FL.Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the econ...
3:31 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Weather Channel update on Tropical Storm Chantal which will be threatening Florida by the end of the week. Residents of the U.S. should pay attention to this storm. The Bahamas and parts of Florida could be affected at the end of the workweek.Tropical Storm Chantal Upda...
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
3:24 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Ohio Kidnapping Victims say "Thank You" in Video: The three females who were held for up to a decade in a Cleveland house (Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight) have released a touching video thanking everyone for their donations, their prayers and their support. You can read the story here or watch the video below:Cleveland, Ohio kidnap victims film heartwarming video to thank supportersAmanda...
Monday, July 8, 2013
6:13 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Via The Guardian. In the second part of an exclusive interview with Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden contemplates the reaction from the US government to his revelations of top-secret documents regarding its spying operations on domestic and foreign internet traffic, email and phone use. This interview was recorded in Hong Kong on 6 June 2013Edward Snowden Interview...
3:34 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Via ABC News. George and Laura Bush interviewed while in Africa.Unfortunately your browser does not support IFram...
Sunday, July 7, 2013
7:23 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This was re-broadcast today on Fox News. George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing Florida teen Trayvon Martin, gave an exclusive interview to Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity. Also sitting down for the interview was Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara. In the first part of the interview, Zimmerman discussed what he calls a "tragic" situation in recounting the night of the shooting. Zimmerman...
1:11 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
ABC News looks at what might have happened at that crucial Moment of Impact that caused the Crash of Asiana Boeing 777.Crash Landing in San Franci...
Saturday, July 6, 2013
7:59 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
An Asiana Airlines plane, Boeing 777, has crashed at San Francisco International Airport, Fox News reportsPlane Crash at San Francisco Airport, Boeing ...
12:37 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This is breaking now. A Boeing 777 has just crashed in San Francisco Airport!Boeing 777 by Asiana Airlines crashed in San Francisco Airport July 6 2013 SF SFOCNN has this video posted:VIDEO: Asiana Airlines Flight Crashes While Landing at San Francisco Airport - Boeing 777As always Drudge is ALL OVER the story...CRASHED ON LANDING... BROKE INTO PIECES,,, AIRPORT CLOSED FOR HOURS... MORE...Asiana...
Friday, July 5, 2013
3:06 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Update: George Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara argues for judgment of acquittal. Afternoon of trial day 9, Friday July 5, 2013.George Zimmerman trial: Mark O'Mara argues for judgment of acquit...
5:08 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Mental Floss. A weekly show hosted by John Green, where knowledge junkies get their fix of trivia-tastic information. This week, John looks at a fact about each of the 50 United States of America.50 Great Facts About The 50 States - mental_fl...
Thursday, July 4, 2013
8:27 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
In case you couldn't make it, what a show! The last 8 minutes of today's 4th of July Fireworks display in Washington DC:Washington, DC Fireworks - July 4, 2013 (last 8 minut...
10:57 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video - Mark Dice talks to average Americans about the Fourth of July and discovers most people are morons. Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives. And remember the name of the...
6:03 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station...
4:21 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
John Wayne was an American Hero and will alway's be remembered. In a short video clip he recites why he loves America.John Wayne "America Why I Love H...
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
10:04 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video - The abortion battle in Texas was still raging Tuesday as both abortion supporters and pro-life activists flooded the State Capitol to make their voices heard. The Texas House and Senate reconvened briefly for a special session called by Gov. Rick Perry. One of the more bizarre tactics used by pro-abortion activists involved chanting "Hail Satan!" to harass a pro-life crowd as they sang...
4:00 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Today, July 3rd is the 150th anniversary of Pickett's Charge which is thought of as the High-Water Mark of the Confederacy.Gettysburg - Pickett's Charge: The PlanPickett's Charge (Part 1 The Bombardment)Pickett's Charge (Part 2 The Mar...
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
2:57 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Audio. In a rare moment, National Talk Show Host, Rush Limbaugh joins Fox and Friends (via phone) to discuss the recent protest in Egypt demanding that President Morsi step down. Also addressed are recent issues regarding Obamacare.Rush Limbaugh on Fox & Friends -- Talks Egyptian Protests Over Morsi & Obamac...
3:55 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Via Mediaite. Former President George W Bush interviewed in Africa by CNN.CNN’s Robyn Curnow caught up with former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush in Zambia for an interview that mostly centered on the work they are doing there at a clinic for cervical cancer. But the reporter “couldn’t help” but ask Bush about his reaction to the NSA leaks from Edward...
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