The Catholic news service quotes local sources who report that the radical Al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra, or Al-Nusra Front, was behind the savage killing. In video posted by Live Leak purporting to show the execution, dozens of men and boys are seen cheering on as three men are seated on the ground awaiting their grisly fate. The men are methodically beheaded one at a time by men holding...
Sunday, June 30, 2013
1:17 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
In an exclusive Hot Air interview, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst of Texas insists that the attempt to hijack the legislative process by pro-abortion activists this week will not stop the state from passing a limitation on late-term abortions and requirements for clinics to meet the same standards as other ambulatory surgical centers. Dewhurst also says that his office is reviewing the security tapes...
8:49 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video: Appearing exclusively on ABC's This Week on Sunday morning, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange discussed his and NSA leaker Edward Snowden's respective asylum situations, as well as the United States' "disgraceful" treatment of Snowden in revoking his passport.Julian Assange Praises 'Hero' Snowden, Rebukes U.S. 'Disgraceful' Treatment On ABC This Weekcre...
5:31 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This video one has gone mega-viral online. A trip around Iceland with a GoPro and some juggling balls.Juggling Around Icel...
Saturday, June 29, 2013
6:59 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Re-enactors fire the opening volley, starting the commemoration of the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the most violent of the American Civil War.Thousands take part in Gettysburg re-enactm...
12:00 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Sen. Ted Cruz Addresses the 2013 National Right to Life Confere...
3:56 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video - via Fox News. 6/28/2013 - John Good Tesitimony - According to experts who appeared on Fox News earlier this morning, testimony from eye witness John Good in the George Zimmerman murder trial could be "devastating" for the State of Florida's case. Good testified Friday morning that he believes he saw Trayvon Martin on top of Zimmerman, furiously punching the man who is claiming self-defense...
Friday, June 28, 2013
3:47 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Click below to watch a Live Stream of the George Zimmerman murder trial in Sanford, Florida.Watch the George Zimmerman Trial live via live streaming and W...
Thursday, June 27, 2013
5:54 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
George Zimmerman Trial Update. The Daily Mail is all over Day 4 of the George Zimmerman trial. Zimmerman is the man accused of murdering Trayvon Martin.Drama at Zimmerman trial as Trayvon's friend - and star witness Rachel Jeantel is forced to admit she can't even read letter she allegedly wrote to his mother about the deadly shootingShe said she believed the encounter was racially charged...
1:50 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Heard Kevin Williamson interviewed on The Michael Medved Show about this book. The fiscal crises facing governments at both the federal and state level offers an opportunity to throw off many unsustainable government institutions like massive transfer programs and state pensions. Kevin D. Williamson makes his case in "The End Is Near and It's Going to Be Awesome: How Going Broke Will Leave America...
3:15 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Bus Levitation - Too Cool! Watch Join Dynamo as he goes beyond the obvious to see the sights of London with Pepsi Max #LiveForNowPepsi Max & Dynamo present: "Bus Levitation" #LiveFor...
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
5:20 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video - Fox News The Five react to today's Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage. Via Mediaite.Fox News’ The Five waited until its third segment to tackle the two major marriage equality decisions handed down by the Supreme Court today. And in what can perhaps be seen as a sign of the times, none of the primarily conservative hosts had anything too terrible to say about...
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
7:03 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Senator Marco Rubio gave a forceful defense of the Immigration Reform Senate Bill today on the Hugh Hewitt Show, hosted by Ed Morrissey.Marco Rubio: Senate Bill Does What Conservatives Want On Border Secur...
1:22 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
In a 5-4 Decision today the Supreme Court ruled that the 50 year old Voting Rights Act may not be relevant in today's world. This is a HUGE victory for States Rights and Conservatives:Court Strikes Down Key Provision In Voting Rights A...
3:14 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Our favorite Black Conservative Zo does not want to defend NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. In fact, he thinks he is a commie. Still, Zo wonders how much privacy we still have, and whether the Fourth Amendment is in serious jeopardy under President Obama. Via PJTV.ZoNATION: NSA Scandal: Time to Worry about Fourth Amendment Righ...
Monday, June 24, 2013
5:45 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Best predictors of happiness and unhappiness:Interesting that a major contributor to being unhappy is a long commute! What about money? What about being married?? This article answers them all:Psychologists armed with statistically significant survey data have a lot of advice on how to be happy, but we don’t seem to be very good at following it.The daily activity most detracting...
1:53 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Meteorologist Kristi Gordon was surprised by a spider on the weather camera as she did her Noon News forecast. Funny!Weather camera spider scares Kristi Gor...
Sunday, June 23, 2013
7:21 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Just what the title says!! Nik Wallenda setting a world record walking across the Grand Canyon on a tightrope! I do not own the show nor TV network. All rights reserved to Discovery Channel. Skywire live with Nik Wallenda crosses Grand Canyon FULL Vi...
1:25 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Nancy Pelosi Booed For Calling Edward Snowden a Criminal at Netroots Nation ConferenceNancy Pelosi Booed for Edward Snowden Comme...
5:02 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Nik Wallenda Grand Canyon Walk. Type rope walker Nik Wallenda walks across the Grand Canyon tonight at 8PM. No net. No tether. 1,500 feet high. You can watch the Live Stream of this event here.Skywire LiveUpdate: Discovery Channel is carrying the big event; Nik Wallenda walking across the Grand Canyon live he...
Saturday, June 22, 2013
12:05 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Deneen Borelli, David Webb, Star Parker, Sonnie Johnson, Wayne Dupree and a tremendous line-up of African-American conservatives tackle the controversial issues surrounding race in American Society today in this extremely compelling 2nd Townhall special hosted by FNC's Sean Hannity.African American Conservatives Townhall - COMPLETE - Sean Hannity - Fox News - 6-21...
4:29 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Today is the first FULL DAY OF SUMMER. A Common Cents tradition is to welcome Summer with this awesome Kenny Chesney song - Summertime:Kenny Chesney's "Summertime""Summertime"Summertime is finally hereThat old ballpark, man, is back in gearOut on 49Man I can see the lightsSchool's out and the nights roll inMan, just like a long lost friendYou ain't seen in a whileAnd can't help but smileAnd...
Friday, June 21, 2013
6:13 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Yahoo came out with an interactive guide showing the top 9,486 ways Jay Carney won’t answer your questions (interactive).Jay Carney doesn’t have an answer for that. He hasn’t discussed that subject with the president. He will refer you to the Department of [insert agency here]. He refuses to speculate on that. He’ll have to get back to you.But he appreciates the question.A Yahoo News analysis of...
3:48 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
The Miami Heat Win Game 7 vs the San Antonio Spurs of the 2013 NBA Finals. Video:Miami Heat WIN GAME 7 vs. Spurs - HIGHLIGHTS / RECAP | 2013 NBA Fin...
Thursday, June 20, 2013
6:17 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Learn how to do 10 mind blowing things in a matter of minutes!10 How To's That Will Blow Your Mi...
3:40 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Actor best known for his role as Tony Soprano in "The Sopranos" has died at the age of 51.James Gandolfini Dead: HBO's 'The Sopranos' Star Suffers Heart Attack, Dies in Italy at Age...
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
6:59 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
In what has to be called a classic the Miami Head outlasted the San Antonio Spurs in overtime to force a Game 7 Thursday Night. Spurs vs. the Heat in Game 6 with full game highlights in the 2013 NBA FinalsHeat vs. Spurs : Full Game 6 HIGHLIGHTS : 2013 NBA Fin...
1:13 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Remember TWA Flight 800 which blew up in 1996 off the coast of New York? A new documentary claims that it was no accident and in fact there was a cover up! The ABC News story embed is below:Documentary Alleges TWA Flight 800 Cover-UpUnfortunately your browser does not support IFram...
3:18 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory (R-Opelousas) explains why he recently switched from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party. He discusses the history of the Republican Party, founded as an Abolitionist Movement in 1854. Guillory talks about how the welfare state is only a mechanism for politicians to control the black community.Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican"Related Posts:The Democrats'...
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
2:50 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
James O'Keefe and Project Veritas is at it again with a sure to be explosive expose on Obama Phones. Turns out they are being given out by the thousand to practically everyone. And it turns out Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim is the main beneficiary:Uncovered: 'Obama Phones' Sold to Buy Drugs and Louis VuittonsBreakthrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democr...
3:06 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
VOCES Action received "special" attention from the IRS when it submitted its 501(c)4 application. But the non-profit doesn¹t mention "tea party" or "patriot" in its mission statement and stays away from "political" endorsements. Heritage's Israel Ortega sat down with Adryana Boyne, VOCES Action founder and president, to find out whyIRS Targeted Hispanic Outreach Gr...
Monday, June 17, 2013
1:32 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Benghazi and Fast & Furious super-reporter Sharyl Attkisson confirms that someone has been hacking into her computers! CBS News has confirmed that someone has been breaking into the computer of investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. She talks about the privacy breach with the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts.CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson's computer hac...
12:31 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Edward Snowden sat down with The Guardian for an extended Question & Answer (Q&A) session that was opened up to an Internet Audience. Excerpts of his Q&A: Question: Guardian staff GlennGreenwald 17 June 2013...
Sunday, June 16, 2013
5:19 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Edward Snowden just gave a new update to The Guardian. In it he revealed much more than was every know about the NSA Spying Program including that during the London G20 summit meetings in 2009 the NSA:• Setting up internet cafes where they used an email interception programme and key-logging software to spy on delegates' use of computers; • Penetrating the security on delegates' BlackBerrys...
12:17 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video. Vice President Dick Cheney staunchly defended the NSA surveillance programs started under his tenure as Vice President, telling Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that the programs could have stopped 9/11 had they been in effect, and that Edward Snowden was a traitor for revealing the information and fleeing to China.Dick Cheney: Snowden's A 'TRAITOR,' Defends NSA Surveillance Programs. Fox News...
5:01 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Today's is Father's Day. Spread this video in appreciation of your Father.Father's DaySUPERMAN: A FATHER'S DAY TRIBUTEDad Life (Father's Day Opening 20...
Saturday, June 15, 2013
5:37 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Governor Sarah Palin Speaks at The Faith & Freedom Coalition, 3rd day of its "Road to Majority" conference, June 15, 2013. Full Speech:Sarah Palin Speech at FFC 2013: Give Me Freedom or Give Me De...
6:06 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Coach Nick breaks down another blow out in this strange NBA Finals. LeBron James found his stroke, Dwyane Wade got back on track while the Spurs threw the ball away recklessly.2013 NBA Finals Game 4: LeBron And Wade Get Hot, Spurs D...
Friday, June 14, 2013
7:24 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Video - Homeland Security Committee member Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D - California) on C-Span today stated the information leaked by Edward Snowden is the "tip of the iceberg" of the full NSA surveillance program. Snowden Leak "Tip of the Iceberg" of NSA Surveillance Prog...
12:16 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Happy Father's Day. It shouldn't be controversial at all but a simple Google search found this site which explores the financial, medicinal and even career benefits of being a father. Pass it on!Your Personal Health Improves. Research shows that the structure that comes into a man's life because of fatherhood helps him make better choices. Having a family to come home to and be...
4:20 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This one has been making the rounds on Cable News. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) destroyed FBI Director Robert Mueller on the IRS targeting scandal and investigation. Director Mueller has no idea who's running the program, how many people are assigned to the investigation, and if any Tea Party groups have been identified. This was another embarrassment for the Obama Administration.Rep. Jim Jordan DESTROYS...
Thursday, June 13, 2013
5:06 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This video has gone viral. The crowd in Emirates Stadium singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody. As we waited for Green Day to start, Bohemian Rhapsody started to play and the crowd loved it :)Green Day @ Emirates Stadium - Crowd singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody. 01.06...
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
7:12 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
If you live in the Midwest or Northeast look out as Severe Weather is threatening your area. These Derecho Storms are bringing hail, heavy winds and rain and even tornadoes:Weather.comLive Updates: Severe Weather CentralDangerous Severe Weather UnderwayWeather UndergroundWunderMapUS Severe Weather Map - Watches Warnings and moreNOAA:Storm Prediction CenterTornado Video - Severe...
4:48 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Very, very cool. For all you JRR. Tolkien fans the latest trailer of The Hobbit movie series is out. You will have to wait because it is in theaters December 13th.The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - Official Teaser Trai...
1:03 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
6/9/13 from Vegas to Phoenix. Flight attendants leave us alone to our devices after 5 hours, 2 planes, no snacks, no water, no A/C. Two people passed out, two vomited and to avoid a mutiny, the passengers banded together in song."I Believe I Can Fly"Passengers on plane sing R Kelly's I Believe I Can Fly - Allegiant Airlines Passengers...
3:46 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Very interesting short documentary showing the medicinal, global and even historical benefits of coffee. Why you shouldn't feel guilty about that coffee addiction. Coffee: The Greatest Drug and Greatest Addiction E...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
7:15 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This was just voted the Video of the Day on Hannity. Try not to laugh, this one is just too funny! Swimming Pool 1 - Jeep 0:Jeep vs. swimming p...
2:26 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a scathing lawsuit in an effort to stop the federal government's tracking of American citizens. The ACLU's suit comes after bombshell reports revealed that the National Security Agency was obtaining access to systems of Google and other tech giants to read Americans' emails. The federal government is also collecting data of Verizon Business Service Network...
4:10 AM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
New audio highlights the IRS discrimination not only of Tea Party Groups but of Pro Life Groups as well. 'You Can't Force Your Religion on Somebody Else'New Audio Reveals IRS Treatment of Pro-Life Group: 'You Can't Force Your Religion on Somebody El...
Monday, June 10, 2013
6:28 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
This is classic. On August 1, 2007, candidate Barack Obama sharply criticized then-President George W. Bush's government surveillance programs. This video shows how things have changed. Feel free to pass this along:Candidate Obama debates President Obama on Government Surveilla...
5:11 PM by Rifan MuazinNo comments
Jordan Sekulow spoke with Geraldo Rivera of Fox News about the scandals plaguing the Obama Administration including the IRS targeting conservatives, snooping and violation of millions citizens.Jordan Sekulow on Fox News with Geraldo: Scandals Plague Obama Ad...
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