Monday, August 19, 2013

Climate Change Update. Via What's Up With That.  Bet you won't see this on the nightly news.  Tornadoes are at a Record (60 Year) Low this year!While many climate alarmists still try to tell us that global warming will increase tornadoes, we are in the middle of a tornado drought, and well below normal....
Via The Daily Mail.An Islamic group's plan for a 'Million Muslim March' on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States has sparked outrage among many who call the timing 'insensitive.' The American Muslim Political Action Committee says it wants to use the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington to march on the National Mall and protest against what the group...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The ACLJ's Jay Sekulow joined Fox News to discuss a new voter ID law in North Caroli...
Duck Dynasty. Filling in for Bill O'Reilly Friday night, Laura Ingraham opened The O'Reilly Factor with a monologue explaining why she thinks A&E's Duck Dynasty scored the highest ever ratings for a reality TV show with its premiere this week. "What's the allure of watching a bunch of long-haired rednecks sitting around teasing each other talking about their business, relationships and family...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Full Video: Dr. Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special "WEED" explores the controversies of Medical Marijua...
"The Great One" Mark Levin (Author and Radio Talk Show Host) joins Sean Hannity to discuss his new book 'The Liberty Amendments' for a compelling hour of this Audience Special.Mark Levin Full Hannity Interview: The Liberty Amendme...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Tropical Storm Erin Upstate.  It may be Hurricane Erin soon but for now The Weather Channel host Matt Sampson talks to Hurricane Specialist about the future of Tropical Storm Erin.What Next for Erin?...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Radio host Rush Limbaugh responded to the suggestion by some that he, along with conservative radio hosts Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, moderate a radio debate between Republican presidential hopefuls in 2016. Limbaugh dismissed that suggestion on Thursday saying that he is simply "too famous" to moderate a presidential debate. "I don't see how I can do it," Limbaugh began. "I'm too famous."Rush Limbaugh...
Not bad for a Senior Citizen. Dr. J "Julius Ervin" Can Still Dunk at 63 Years Old!       ...
Never before seen on video this just released video shows a yet Brazilian Stone Age tribe that has yet to make contact with modern civilization![FULL] Isolated Amazon Tribe Captured For The First Time on Video Via The Daily M...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Breaking Benghazigate Update. Col Alen West (R) appeared on Fox News to discuss the breaking revelations that 400 Surface to Air missiles may have been stolen from the US in Benghazi.Benghazi Bombshell - RPT: 400 Surface-To-Air Missiles Stolen - Col Alen West (R)...
Via NBC News. We are turning into a part-time nation thanks to Obamacare!  One professor has seen her income cut in half!NBC: Businesses, Unions And Schools All Warn Of Cuts In Hours Due To ObamaC...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Voter ID Debate. CNN's Crossfire, S.E. Cupp and Stephanie Cutter, engaged in heated exchange during Tuesday's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer over the necessity of voter identification laws. The conversation devolved into crosstalk when Cupp attacked Cutter for demeaning conservatives who insist voter identification is a solution in search of a problem.S.E. Cupp Stephanie Cutter HEATED BRAWL...
Talk Show Host Mark Levin discusses his latest book, "The Liberty Amendments" on Fox News Hannity:Mark Levin visits the 'Hannity' show Aug. 12, 2...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Talking Points Memo - Fox News Bill O'Reilly returned from vacation Monday night picking up from where he left off about race in the United States. He cited two big cases in the last few weeks (a black teenager shot by police after they saw him holding a gun, and three black teenagers beating up a white teen on a bus) to highlight the racial divisions in the United States that need to be addressed,...
You don't see this one very often!  The old Hidden Ball Trick works here. Tampa Bay Rays hidden ball trick vs Dodgers. Juan Uribe called out at 3rd. Rays hidden ball trick vs Dodgers 8/10/13...
Video - Some Democrats are now "Echoing" Governor Sarah Palin's deep concerns over 'Death Panels'. The former Governor of Alaska joins FNC's Eric Bolling on 'Cashin In' to discuss this timely issue. Other topics addressed: President Obama referring calling the other scandals such as Benghazi, the IRS, as 'Fake and Phony'; the handling of the NSA surveillance controversy; and her devout support of...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Angelic priest who mysteriously appeared at a car crash on a blocked off Missouri highway may have been identified by a composite sketch provided by witnesses.Angel Priest identified at Missouri car cr...
Angel Priest?  The highway in New London, Missouri had been closed for a quarter of a mile while rescuers tried to little avail to extract a girl from a car wreck on a Sunday morning. And yet out of nowhere this man shows up in priestly garb just after the driver, who was trapped in this Mercedes for around an hour, said she wanted to pray out loud with the rescue team. The priest said he would...
Hello - Is anyone out there looking for a new job or new career? We here at Common Cents sincerely hope that this list of job sites helps you find that next job or career. The Number One way people find jobs is by Networking.  Tell EVERYONE you know you are looking.  Expand your circle of friends and acquaintances.  Strike up conversations with...

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Please don't Text and Drive! Xzavier, Chandler, Debbie, and Reggie all know the horrors of texting & driving firsthand. Watch their stories in this It Can Wait Documentary. "From One Second To The Next" Documentary - It Can Wait ...
Video: Fox News FULL Special: Great Food Stamp Binge - With one in seven Americans now receiving food stamps, a Fox News investigative team traveled the country to expose the government's startling attempts to get even more people to sign up for the "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program". Fox looks at the "cost to the recipients" as well as the American Taxpayer.Fox News FULL Special: Great...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Radio Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh today picked up on two gaffes of President Obama's that he believed were underreported this week: misidentifying three cities as being on the Gulf Coast, and blanking on Second Lady Jill Biden's name during a big speech at Camp Pendleton. Limbaugh charged that if this was George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan or even Sarah Palin talking, the media would immediately freak...
Just announced that Megyn will be taking over the 9PM slot in the fall. In the meantime these are some of Megyn Kelly's Favorite Moments on her last day on America Live! - Back On Fox In The Fall!Megyn Kelly Highligh...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Firebrand Ann Coulter was on Fox News Hannity Thursday Night where she didn't disappoint. Is The American Dream Dying Under Obama?Is The American Dream Dying Under Obama? - Obamacare Ann Coulter Weighs In! - Hann...
Video. "Shoot him again ... shoot him!" No matter how many times you hear it, it's as chilling as the first. The 911 call from Melinda Herman's husband — who had his wife on the other line — as she fought off an intruder to save her and her twins. That terrifying home invasion has served as a wake-up call across the nation.NRA News - Ginny Simone Special Report:‬ "A Wake-Up Call for Self-Defen...
Good luck!  The Powerball got up to $448 Million and the winning Powerball  Numbers are:5  25  30  58  59   32Update: At least 3 People w...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Anthony Weiner Update.  Watch how Anthony Weiner deals with GOP Rival George McDonald at a joint event:Deal With Your Anger Issues, ‘Grandpa’!MCDONALD: Keep your hands off me. WEINER: I heard what you said. MCDONALD: Don’t put your hands on me ever again. WEINER: Really? What’s going to happen if I do? Tough guy now? MCDONALD: Yeah. Yeah, I am. WEINER: [inaudible]… but...
Is your phone for calling? Or is it for footballing? Watch this video starring Peyton and Eli Manning to find out.  Rapping...Football on your Phone - Manning Brothers Music Vi...
CNN's Erin Burnett aired a fascinating hour-long documentary Tuesday night titled "The Truth about Benghazi".  We have the entire show posted below:The Truth About Benghazi ~ Part 1The Truth About Benghazi ~ Part 2The Truth About Benghazi ~ Part 3The Truth About Benghazi ~ Part 4The Truth About Benghazi ~ Part 5H/T Misty just a g...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Heard the author Dan Balz interviewed on the Hugh Hewitt Show and this sounds like an outstanding book for us Political Junkies, or even political novices. Collusion tells the inside story of the 2012 election. By using sources deep inside both campaigns and on the campaign trail through primary and battleground states, Washington Post correspondent Dan Balz traces the highs and lows of the Obama...
Video. Fox News Neil Cavuto - With everything that's happening this week regarding terror threats across the globe, Cavuto asked if now is the best time for President Obama to appear on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno as he's scheduled to do tonight. "Is now the time to be doing this," Cavuto asked, "especially if, God forbid, something bad were to happen and in retrospect we're seeing him kibitzing...
Fort Hood Shooting Update. The Army psychiatrist Major Hasan accused in the deadliest mass shooting ever on a U.S. military installation told jurors that evidence would "clearly show" he was the gunman during the attack on Fort Hood, but he insisted it wouldn't tell the whole story. Via the Associated Press:Fort Hood Shooting Trial Under...
If you can handle it this may be a cure for Diabetes. But it won't be easy, the diet involves only eating 800 calories a day!  Read the details below:A family bereavement, high blood pressure, an unavoidable job change. I thought everything came in threes — but I was wrong. There was more bad news around the corner. I was a fit 59-year-old and had just had an annual health check at my GP...

Monday, August 5, 2013

ESPNs First Take's Stephen A. and Skip Bayless discuss the possible suspension of New York Yankees' third baseman Alex Rodriguez. Alex Rodriguez Suspended Through 2014 Sea...
After digging for four years, a group of Turkish archaeologists believe they have found a piece of the cross of Jesus Christ, an artifact that could become an instant icon of Christianity. Piece Of Jesus Cross found in Turkey, archaeologists say ...
Tawana Brawley Update. In case you've forgotten the details this is a nice summary of the Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton history. Sad but true saga - this is how a lie gets spread.Revisiting a Rape Scandal That Would Have Been Monstrous if T...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

It launched Rev Al Sharpton's political career but finally Tawana Brawley is paying the man, Steven Pagones, money some 26 years after she falsely accused him of rape.  At the time it was a HUGE story and launched Al Sharpton to national fame. But with no evidence to back her up courts have ruled she lied...
Fox News Video via Greta Van Susteren: Trey Gowdy: "Names being Changed" of People Who Know the Truth about Benghazi; Vows to Get the Tr...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

John R. Lott Jr., President of the Crime Prevention Research Center and Author of, "More Guns, Less Crime," joined Dom to discuss a school district in Arkansas arming about 20 teachers and administrators with concealed weapons throughout the day.John R Lott. Jr Explains Why Some Teachers Are Now Carrying G...
Fox News' Sean Hannity held a very informative panel Friday Night on de-funding Obamacare and our and this Universal Nightmare. Part 1:Defunding Obamacare! - Hannity Special Panel To Debate Universal Nightm...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Congressman Darrell Issa Breaks Down New Benghazi Subpoenas on Fox News. This is in reference to the Benghazi Terror Attack last Octob...
Talk Radio Host Mark Levin on the latest Benghazi revelations.  Mark Levin on Explosive CNN Benghazi Report: "It's Iran-Contra Times a Thousand".  Listen to the entire segment...
Talking Points Memo Update. Dr Benjamin Carson was on this week giving his opinion on O'Reilly's Talking Points Memos on Race and Race Relations:Dr. Ben Carson Reacts to Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo ...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

If this were a Republican cover-up it would be wall-to-wall coverage every night. Now we learn, via CNN, that the CIA is pressuring agents who where in Benghazi to keep quiet or else.  Via Mediaite.  In fact dozens of CIA agents were on the ground in Benghazi that night.  They are even threatening the families as well!CNN’s Jake Tapper broadcast a report on Thursday in which...
August 1, 1988 Rush Limbaugh went national.  25 years later he is still the most listened to Radio Personality.  Wow! Congratulation Rush Limbaugh!Rush Limbaugh Celebrates 25 Years on the Air: "That's 24 3/4 Years Longer than Democrats Hoped!Update: Rush's Homepage has some reflections on this milest...
Cleveland kidnapping victim Michelle Knight testified at the sentencing hearing of kidnapper Ariel Castro on Thursday, telling him, "You took eleven years of my life away, and now I've got them back."Holding back tears, Knight described her years under Castro's captivity: "Days never got shorter," she said. "Days turned into nights, nights turned into days, years turned into eternity. I knew nobody...
Recently four more prominent San Diego women came forth today accusing Democrat Mayor Bob Filner of unwanted sexual advances:Four More Women Accuse Bob Fil...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Daily Mail published this and what a story.  Just take a look at some of the questions that 8th graders had to answer around the turn of the century - Kentucky 8th graders no less!  Some of the questions look like they would stump College Students today!  What do you think - were children smarter...
New York City Mayoral candidate and fmr. rep. Anthony Weiner says he won't quit the race in a new campaign video.Weiner: Quit isn't the way we roll in New York C...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Radio Host Rush Limbaugh joined Greta Van Susteren for the full hour Tuesday night, and Limbaugh spent the first segment of the program bashing President Obama, sharing the "Limbaugh Theorem"  for how the president governs, and taking the "slavish media" to task for not holding him accountable. He also had some choice words for Republicans capitulating too much to the Democratic agenda. Rush...
Talk Show Host Mark Levin Weighs In On Christ Christy & Rand Paul - Benghazi & Obama. President  Obama's Use Of Term "Phony Scandals" Enters Second Week - Mark Levin On CavutoPres Obama's Use Of Term "Phony Scandals" Enters 2nd Week - Mark Levin On Cav...
Interesting Got 2 Minutes? 1. Need to fit 2 bowls in the microwave but there is no room? Place one bowl on top of a coffee mug and the other on the bottom this will allow you to fit both in at the same time.2. Is your SD card stuck in lock mode? Grab a small piece of tape and wrap it around lock area and it's business as usual.3. If you ever lose your flash drive or sd card always name the drive...
Talking Points Memo Update.  We've been all over this on CC. Last night Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Lauds 'Courageous' Don Lemon, Savages 'Race Hustler' Al Sharpton For Attacking Him:O'Reilly Lauds 'Courageous' Don Lemon, Savages 'Race Hustler' Sharpton For Attacking H...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Don Lemon Defends 'Controversial' Comments On The View: 'That's Advice My Mother Gave Me In Kindergarten''That's Advice My Mother gameme in Kindergart...
This has gone viral. Hikers capture video of mysterious 'Bigfoot' in CanadaHikers capture video of mysterious 'Bigfoot' in Canada ...
Fox News Chris Wallace went after Treasury Secretary Jack Lew over the investigation—or lack thereof, in Wallace's estimation—of alleged targeting by the IRS of conservative 501(c)(4) groups.The IRS scandal—which had receded in recent weeks after an audit by the Inspector General revealed progressive groups were scrutinized in addition to conservative organizations, and produced no evidence linking...
Wow! Who would have predicted this.  The Rolling Stones has been together for 50 years and lead singer Mick Jagger just turned 70.  Happy Birthday Mick!Happy 70th Birthday Mick Jagge...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pope Francis celebrates the Holy Mass with the young people from all over the world taking part in the WYD at the Copacabana (Rio, Brazil)The Pope at Rio - Mass and Angelus for the World Youth Day:We need a bigger beach! THREE MILLION people pack Rio's Copacabana beach for final Mass of Pope Francis's tour of BrazilPilgrims cheer the Pope's call for them to get out in the streets to build up the Catholic...
Light Blogging today, or at least this morning.  In the meantime please check out these awesome sites:NewsbustersInstapunditIrons in the FireThe Diplomad 2.0This ain't Hell but ...No Lib URLsCrap Happens AcresPolitical PadreCap 'n ...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Talking Points Memo Update. CNN's Don Lemon Backs Up Fox News Bill O'Reilly comments on Race and Black Culture: 'He Doesn't Go Far Enough' In Criticizing Black Culture'CNN's Don Lemon Backs Up Bill O'Reilly: "Doesn't go far enou...
Saving America. Fox News Sean Hannity hosted a special show Friday Night "How can we help save America?" FNC's Sean Hannity hosts an all-star panel of experts headed up by Katie Pavlich, David Webb, Michelle Fields, Scottie Hughes, Julie Roginsky, Tamara Holder & Brooke Goldstein as they weigh in with their perceptions of how the ethics and morality issue throughout Politics, Sports and the MSM...

Friday, July 26, 2013

"Phony scandals"?  Sean Smith's, who was murdered in Behghazi, mother says her son's death wasn't phony. Amazing interview here:&nb...
Democrat Mayor of San Diego, Bob Filner is being accusing of accosting as many as SEVEN women. Does he resign? Does he step down? No - he enters counseling.  Just Imagine if this had been a Republican.San Diego Mayor Bob Filner Apologizes For Sexual Misconduct, Will Enter 'Behavioral Counseli...
As a follow-up to his Tuesday night Talking Points Memo Fox News Bill O'Reilly hammersed the Obama's Economy, Al Sharpton For Alliance With 'Harmful' Black Cult...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The woman at the center of Anthony Weiner's latest sexting scandal is speaking out today for the first time, in an interview with Inside Edition. Sydney Leathers, a 23-year-old Democrat from Indiana, said she was "shocked" that he "would be so foolish as to do the same thing all over again." "He was making these campaign promises that he'd totally changed," Leathers said of his public persona, "that...
The Movie Terry McAuliffe Doesn't Want You To See - Fast Terry Stay tuned at
A high-speed train has reportedly derailed in Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain, leaving at least 80 people dead and 90 injured. Media reports suggest the death toll may rise. Read about it here. FOOTAGE TRAIN CRASH SPAIN. TOO MUCH SPEED? MOMENT OF CRASH....
All the latest on Tropical Storm Dorian which just formed in the Eastern Atlantic.Tracking Cone:Latest Computer Models:NOAA Advisory and Updat...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The woman who was caught on camera fatally shooting a man at a southeast Houston gas station on Sunday, spoke publicly for the first time on Tuesday afternoon. Shanequia McDonald, 23, maintains she was forced to open fire on 58-year-old Lewis Daniels after he threatened her. However, Daniels' family said the argument began over money and that they had argued before.Black-Women Shooter, tells...
Radio Host Mark Levin speculates that there must have been a deal struck between President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner about NOT investigating Benghazi.Mark Levin: John Boehner And Obama ‘Cut Some Kind Of A Deal’ To Not Investigate BenghaziVia Media...
Talking Points Memo - Wow! Fox News Bill O'Reilly talks Truth to Power here. Bill O'Reilly BLASTS President Obama, the Black Caucus, and the rest of the left for the Race Relations issues in this country getting completely out of hand during his talking points memo. Please watch the whole 7 minutes.  It is awesome!Bill O'Reilly Challenges Obama and Black Caucus to Address Race Problems - 7-...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

FULL PRESS CONFERENCE - Anthony Weiner and Wife Speak in New Press Conference, Take Questions --- New York mayoral candidate and former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner was forced to hold a press conference Tuesday afternoon to address new sexually-explicit messages exposed by earlier today. He admitted that he continued to conduct online relationships with women after his resignation...
As everyone knows Detroit, this week, became the largest US City ever to file for bankruptcy.  Reason TV has some simple ideas on how to fix Detroit.Detroit's Tragedy and How to Fix...
Prince William And Kate and The Royal Baby FIRST LOOK AT THE BABYPrince William And Kate and The Royal Baby FIRST LOOK AT THE BABY ...
Is anyone out there looking for a new job or new career? We here at Common Cents sincerely hope that this list of job sites helps you find that next job or career. The Number One way people find jobs is by Networking.  Tell EVERYONE you know you are looking.  Expand your circle of friends and acquaintances.  Strike up conversations with strangers!! The...
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